About Mrs. Bayes

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My name is Anna Bayes and I am a preschool teacher in Parma, Idaho. This is my 3rd year of teaching and I enjoy the joys and challenges more each year! I especially love teaching preschool children because they are so energized and excited about the world around them. They are such a valuable part of who we are as parents, teachers, and community members.

My Philosophy:                                                                                                                                                                      

I believe that the key to education is to inspire students with a love of learning, while providing them with the tools that they need to learn. Education is a powerful instrument in the hands of those who have it. It is even stronger in the hands of those who love it. Through my teaching experience, I have learned that by making lessons fun, concrete, and meaningful, you can inspire children. I find a joy in this challenge and model a genuine love for learning.